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In uneasy times, upholding and fulfilling MLK’s dream means looking to your neighbors

It seems like far more than a year ago when the na­tion last marked a Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Day.

And for African-Amer­i­can pas­tors pre­par­ing to com­mem­o­rate the hol­i­day over this week­end’s ser­mons and speeches, there’s no short­age of straight-from-the-head­lines top­ics to talk about when it comes to race, pol­i­tics and so­ci­ety.

A year ago, a black pres­i­dent still re­sided in the White House. His at­tor­ney gen­eral, also an African-Amer­i­can, spoke at a com­mem­o­ra­tive ser­vice at 16th Street Bap­tist Church in Birming­ham, Ala. — a civil rights land­mark where a Ku Klux Klan bomb­ing killed four girls in 1963.

Read the full article here.